We heard that it is really essential to get a registration slip within the first 72 hours or 5 or 7 days (different source has different times) of entering Russia from hotels or lodgings that you are staying in. But that was quite difficult for us since we lived in our car pretty much the whole time. We read that it is illegal if we didn’t and we would get fined if we were found without it etc. However, this was not the case. No one asked for it and we didn’t have to produce it when we left the country. If you have been to China it is similar to the police registration you are supposed to do within 24 hours of arrival but no one checks it.
However, this document was essential when we applied for our Chinese visa in Moscow. Without, it would have been difficult to get our visa so it is good to check into a hotel for a night or two.
On one occasion, when we tried to check into one of the only decent looking campsites in Moscow he wouldn’t let us live there unless we showed him a slip from previous hotels. He wouldn’t take us at all, even though he could give us one, claiming we are over the 5 days of registration. But we went to a small hotel instead and there was no problem in the checking-in process nor any problem with issuing the registration slip for us.
The slip we got looks like this:
Conclusion: Just check into a hotel within your first five days of arrival to avoid any potential complications.
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